Root Canal Treatment in Ahmedabad


At Shilp Dental Care, we provide the quality, affordable and pain free root canal treatment (RCT) in Gujarat, India.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Ahmedabad

What is root canal treatment ?

  • Root canal treatment is the procedure involving the dental pulp of the tooth

Why is root canal treatment required ?

  • Damage of the dental pulp allows the bacteria to infect the pulp more further , which causes server pain , swelling and abscess of that particular tooth.
  • The infection spreads through the pulp to the root tip and into the surrounding jaw bones.

What are the causes of dental pulp damage ?

  • Deep tooth decay
  • Trauma to teeth
  • Leakage around old/exciting cavity fillings
  • Very large cavity fillings
  • Excessive wear on the teeth
  • Cracks in the teeth

How is the root canal treatment performed ?

  • Tooth is anesthetized after which the tooth decay is removed
  • Access into the pulp is gained via a small hole drilled from the top of the tooth
  • Infected or damaged pulp is removed from inside of the tooth using small dental files
  • Length of the root canals are determined through x-rays
  • Root canals are cleaned , disinfected and shaped in such a form that can be completely sealed
  • Tooth root is sealed with filling material to prevent re-infection.
  • Metal post may be required in some case for the support
  • Crown (prosthesis) is placed to protect the root treated tooth
Root Canal

Post root canal instructions

  • Do not eat till the anaesthesia wears off ( consumption of liquid is permitted )
  • Take pain killer tablets if required
  • Do not eat from the treated tooth for next 48 hours
  • Tooth will be sensitive to chewing for approx 5 to 6 days

Care and maintenance after root canal treatment ?

  • Gum disease , dental decay and crown / root fracture are common cause of failure
  • Good oral hygiene and regular check-ups will ensure a long lasting solution
  • Root canal procedures have a very good prognosis


Root Canal Before
Root Canal After
Root Canal Before and after1
Root Canal Before and after2


We have team of experienced doctor for dental treatments. Please contact us for dental treatments.



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Please submit to us your query related to the dentist service you required. We will help you in any manner to solve your teeth problem. We have an expert team for Dental Braces, Dental Implant, and Root Canal Treatment.
We have experienced dentists for dental services. We have a team of Cosmetic Dentist, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon at shilp dental care so you get the proper treatment to your teeth pain.