Why do primary teeth or milky teeth requires treatment ?
Healthy milky teeth are the gateway for healthy permanent teeth
Milky teeth requires treatment even if they are eventually going to fall because:
They are important for :
Normal growth and development
Normal eruption of permanent teeth
What if milk teeth are not maintained properly ?
Difficulty in eating leading to less diet which gradually affects growth and development of child
If upper front teeth are missing then it can lead to improper speech because they guide tongue for pronunciation
Leads to crowding ( improper position ) of the permanent of teeth
Can lead to pain, abscess ( pus ), swelling
Loss of milky teeth at an early age can affect the confidence and social relationship of child
Treatment provided by us ( Shilp Dental Care )
Preventive dentistry
Filling of decayed teeth
Root canal treatment
Tooth removal
Cleaning of teeth
Habit breaking appliances
Crowding of teeth
Fluoride application
Pit and Fissure sealant
Correction of irregularly placed teeth
We have team of experienced doctor for dental treatments. Please contact us for dental treatments.
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Please submit to us your query related to the dentist service you required. We will help you in any manner to solve your teeth problem. We have an expert team for Dental Braces, Dental Implant, and Root Canal Treatment.
We have experienced dentists for dental services. We have a team of Cosmetic Dentist, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon at shilp dental care so you get the proper treatment to your teeth pain.