Best root canal treatment

Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of tooth loss, dental cosmetics and advanced restorative dentistry.

Best Root Canal Treatment in Ahmedabad

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. Procedure in root canal treatment involves removal of damaged area of tooth and pulp, cleaning and shaping of canals of teeth, disinfecting the canal then seating the canal and filling in the tooth.

root canal treatment

What are the causes of root canal treatment?

  • Deep cavity (tooth decay) approaching the inter portion of teeth(pulp) causing sever pain.
  • Fractured or broken teeth causing sensitivity or pain.
  • Excessive wear on teeth.
  • Leakage around the old filling causing decay and resulting in pain.
  • Cracks in teeth approaching pulp of teeth.

What are the signs that root canal treatment is needed?

  • Severe toothache pain on chewing or application of pressure on teeth.
  • Prolonged sensitivity or pain after eating hot or cold food.
  • Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums.
  • Darkening(discoloration) of tooth.
  • Pas discharge from the gums besides affected tooth.

How is Root Canal Treatment performed?

  • First step is to take an x-ray to see the cavity(caries) and signs of infection around the tooth and bone. X-ray also help in determine shape of roots.
  • Then we give local anesthesia to numb the tooth.
  • After that tooth decay is completely removed then access hole is created in the tooth to reach the pulp.
  • Infected or damaged pulp is removed from inside portion of tooth using root canal files.
  • Length of tooth canals are determined using x-rays and a machine called as apex locatos.
  • Root canals are cleaned, disinfected using certain solutions and then canals are shaped in such a form that can be sealed completely.
  • Different medications and dressings are also used to clear the infections.
  • After all infection comes out tooth root is sealed with filling material and top of it cement is filled.
  • After completion of root canal treatment crown is placed to protect the treated tooth.
  • This whole procedure required some dental visits.
best root canal treatments

What are the post root canal instructions?

  • Do not eat or drink hot things till the effect of local anesthesia goes off(consumption of cold liquid is permitted)
  • Take medicine prescribed by yours dentist.
  • Do not eat form the treated tooth from next 72 hours. Tooth will be sensitive to chewing for approximately next 5 to 6 days.

What care and maintenance is required after root canal treatment?

  • Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups will ensure a long lasting solution.
  • Gum disease, tooth decay, crown or root fractured are common cause of failure of root canal treatment.

What is single sitting root canal treatment?

  • In certain conditions where infection is not much then whole the treatment of root canal is completed in one sitting that is called single sitting root canal treatment. This treatment filled by crown placement over the tooth.

Why choose shilp dental care for root canal treatment?

  • Our doctor has vast experience in the field of root canal treatment.
  • We are also expertise in single sitting root canal treatment.
  • We are expert in painless root canal treatment because of our experience and use of technology.
  • We do machine guided root canal treatment so result is predictable and treatment is faster as compared to normal hand treated root canals.
  • In root canal treatment infection control is must so we use 6 step sterilization protocol to avoid cross contamination.

Other than INDIA we have also treated patients form USA, CANADA, UAE, AUSTRALIA, UK and many more countries.

root canal treatment

root canal

best root canal treatment

root canal


Dr. Vandil Patel

Dr. Vandil Patel is the founder and Clinical Director at Shilp Dental Care in Ahmedabad, India. He is an expert in Laser Dentistry and Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry and is dedicated to educating people about dental care advancements. Dr. Patel is a gold medalist from Gujarat University and has served as Vice President of the Indian Dental Association in Ahmedabad. His articles highlight the significance of dental care, showcase the latest developments in dentistry, and promote a holistic approach to oral health.


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Please submit to us your query related to the dentist service you required. We will help you in any manner to solve your teeth problem. We have an expert team for Dental Braces, Dental Implant, and Root Canal Treatment.
We have experienced dentists for dental services. We have a team of Cosmetic Dentist, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon at shilp dental care so you get the proper treatment to your teeth pain.