Gums that bleed?

Bleeding gums are one of the most common signs that something is wrong in your mouth.

Dealing with Bleeding Gums: Causes and Solutions

Bleeding gums are one of the most common signs that something is wrong in your mouth.

While this might be attributed to just a 'normal' bleed or an aggressive floss, it should not be ignored that healthy gums never bleed that easily.

There might be several underlying conditions that contribute to bleeding gums. While neglecting oral hygiene might be a common norm, here is what can be done to understand why your gums are bleeding...

1. Too hard you brush?


A lot of us have been under the impression that the harder we brush, the better it is for our teet. Are you one of those? Well, in that case you are clearly under the wrong impression. While this might be helping you remove bacteria from your teeth, it might be damaging your mouth with a lot of discomfort, pain and bleeding.

2. Your toothbrush is anything but soft


Make sure that your toothbrush has soft bristles. A bent and frayed tooth brush might force you to apply extra pressure on your teeth and hence, aid to bleeding gums. Remember, the softer the better?

3. Gingivitis

Gingivitis causes your healthy gums to bleed because of plaque and bacteria induced swelling and infection. At advanced stages, this might pose a serious threat to your oral hygiene. Serious consequences of this condition can include tooth loss and more advanced gum disease.

4. Flossing


While flossing makes everything healthy and good, being an amateur to the practice of flossing might cause your gums to bleed. At first, flossing is likely to cause some minor bleeding but this should eventually stop. If done properly, flossing will help you to fight Gingivitis as well.

5. Good news?


Expecting women are likely to experience bleeding gums because of the plethora of hormonal changes that a female goes through during her pregnancy. Thus, pregnant women may be more susceptible to developing bleeding gums and hence, it is advisable that during your pregnancy, you may need to take additional steps to maintain proper oral hygiene.

Expressing experience by Dr Vandil:

'Based on the cases and the experiences through my medical practice, I have also notice that reason behind bleeding gums can be 'Medication'. Certain medications end up thinning your blood, hence making you bleed easier. In fact, common medications that are found over the counter, like ibuprofen can cause your blood to become thinner. If such changes are observed around the same time you started a new medication, the new drug may be at fault. In such a situation, immediately talk to your dentist. They can support you in developing an oral hygiene protocol that keeps your gums healthy and oral hygiene intact'.


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