Crown and Bridge Treatment in Ahmedabad


At Shilp Dental Care, Ahmedabad we give the best in class dental bridge and crown treatment.

Dental Crown & Bridges

Dental Crown Ahmedabad

What is crown and bridge ?

Crown :

  • It is like a cap or shell that covers entire tooth structure
  • It imparts strength to the remaining tooth structure when placed on damaged tooth

Bridge :

  • It is a multiple unit prosthesis
  • Artificial teeth which replaces the missing natural teeth is fused with crowns placed on adjacent teeth

Dental Crown bridges

Dental Crown bridges

Why is crown is required ?

  • For root canal treated tooth
  • Extensive decay
  • Portion of tooth which has been broken
  • Tooth which has developed cracks
  • To make discoloured tooth look more like a natural one

Why is bridge required ?

  • For single or multiple extracted ( removed ) teeth
  • For congenitally ( by birth ) missing teeth

What if missing or broken teeth are not replaced by bridge?

  • There will be drifting and shifting of adjacent teeth causing abnormal bite and occlusion resulting in headache or migraine problems
  • Bone loss in the area of missing teeth is observed
  • There will be increase in the biting stress on the other remaining teeth
  • There will be gap between the remaining teeth which increases gradually , compromising on aesthetics gradually losing the natural smile

What are the steps of preparation in crown / bridge ?

  • The tooth is anaesthesia if required
  • Grinding of teeth for the preparation
  • Impression taken of the prepared teeth
  • Fabrication of crown or bridge in laboratory
  • Fixation of the crown or bridge with the cement

Which are the types of crowns /bridges used routinely ?

PFM( porcelain fused with metal) (ceramic) :

Good aesthetic ( cosmetic )

Good strength

crown bridges

All ceramic :

Excellent esthetic ( cosmetic )

Generally used in front teeth

All ceramic

Zirconia :

Computerized designning and maling

Excellent esthetic ( cosmetic )

Excellent strength

Used both in front as well as back teeth

crown bridges Ahmedabad

Metal :

Poor esthetic

Good strength

crown bridges Ahmedabad

What are the risk involved in Bridge preparation ?

  • Need to grind (preparation) of the adjacent teeth
  • In some case root canal treatment beacomes a complusion of the teeth to be prepared
  • Best alternative to bridge are Dental Implants ( feel free to ask for further details )

What are the care and maintenace to be done ?

  • Dental decay , gum disease and crown / root fracture are common cause of failure
  • Good oral hygiene and 6 monthly dental checks ups will extend the life of a crown or bridge
  • Avoid extremely sticky food which could unseat the cemented crown
  • Avoid biting into extremely hard objects which may cause chipping of crown and damage tooth structure


crown bridges before
crown bridges After
crown bridges before
crown bridges After
crown bridges


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Please submit to us your query related to the dentist service you required. We will help you in any manner to solve your teeth problem. We have an expert team for Dental Braces, Dental Implant, and Root Canal Treatment.
We have experienced dentists for dental services. We have a team of Cosmetic Dentist, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon at shilp dental care so you get the proper treatment to your teeth pain.