Perks Of dental implants

Dentistry is a dynamic field of medicine which keeps evolving continuously. With the recent advancement in technology, dental implants are a boon to individuals seeking for a single, multiple and complete teeth replacement.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root which is made up of titanium metal. It replaces and takes the place of natural tooth root. It is firmly fixed into the jaw bone, which receives either fixed or removable artificial tooth (prosthesis) over it. It looks and functions almost like a natural tooth.


A number of patients who visit our dental office, Shilp Dental Care wonder what if a missing tooth is not replaced. The answer lies in the fact that a missing tooth can lead to a lot of problems which can no longer be taken for granted.


A missing tooth leads to drifting and shifting of adjacent teeth causing abnormal bite and occlusion resulting in headache or migraine problems. Also, bone loss in the area of missing tooth is observed. There will be increase in the biting stress on the other remaining teeth. Moreover, there will be gap between the remaining teeth which increases gradually, compromising on aesthetics and eventually losing the natural smile.


So as to avoid any of these consequences, the primary line of treatment generally opted is an implant surgery.

There are various advantages of a Dental Implant. It replaces teeth without grinding the adjacent natural teeth. It also helps in prevention of bone loss and gingival recession. It supports single crown or full bridge prosthesis making the functions like eating, chewing talking and smiling much easier. There will be no need for the removable dentures.


At Shilp Dental Care, many options according to the case and suitability are available. Ask for the best option which suits you.

Dentists and Oral surgeons may use a variety of techniques to insert the implants into patients' jawbones. For example, some of them use conventional methods, while others utilize highly advanced technology called the basal implants with which fixed teeth can be given in just three days. All of these conventional methods as well as the basal implantology methods are practiced at Shilp Dental Care, Ahmedabad, Gujarat since it's inception.

When a conventional implant is to be done in a specific case, it requires a total of two phases in about 3-4 months. The first phase usually requires about 3-5 days and the second phase usually requires about a full week. So the total time involved from the journey of a missing tooth to a fully functional dental implant is about 3-4 months.

However, the choice of basal implant procedure provides teeth within 72 hours i.e. a fixed set of teeth in just 3 days could be possible with the use of advanced dentistry procedures like the immediate functional loading of implants in the basal bone.

Preparing for the surgery can be nerve wracking for the patient. No matter how great your dental implantologist is, yet you might have concerns. So it is always better to have information about the procedure before undergoing it. This prevents nervousness during the procedure and makes you feel more confident about your choice for missing tooth replacement. Dental Implant surgery may seem scary but it will be worthwhile once you see your new smile.

If you are in need of a tooth replacement and you wish to know more about dental implants, schedule a consultation with our expert team of surgeons at Shilp Dental Care.

Expressing Experience By Dr. Vandil Patel

"Over the past few decades, dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry. Keeping your own natural teeth rather than extraction and implantation is always better but in the cases where this is not possible, dental implants are the first choice of treatment providing patients with a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile. With proper care and oral hygiene maintenance, dental implants usually last long."


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Please submit to us your query related to the dentist service you required. We will help you in any manner to solve your teeth problem. We have an expert team for Dental Braces, Dental Implant, and Root Canal Treatment.
We have experienced dentists for dental services. We have a team of Cosmetic Dentist, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon at shilp dental care so you get the proper treatment to your teeth pain.